The problem:
I have set up Proton VPN for all traffic, but I want to access some hosts in the private range. As all traffic is going through the VPN tunnel, the hosts are unreachable.
The Solution:
Routes need to be set that tell the system “If you want to go to this host / network, use this gateway“.
Create and enable a service to do this the below does not work for me
As root, go to /etc/network/interfaces.d
Create a file here with a descriptive name, I have used “localroutes” and add the following:
up route add -net <NETWORK> gw <GATEWAY>
To make it such that all traffic destined for the subnets and must go through the gateway
up route add -net gw
up route add -net gw
Save the file and restart networking:
sudo systemctl enable networking
sudo systemctl restart networking
sudo service networking restart
Now the traffic shall be routed accordingly, to encompass additional subnets, just add lines to the file following the above example